Shape Your Mind
3rd LTT 18-22 October 2021
The third LTT has been completed as planned in Agrupamento de Escolas Dr.António Granjo from 18 to 22 October 2021 in Chaves , Portugal
All the activities have been done according to the timetable .
On the 1st day after the formal opening , we had a ice braking activities .Then the students presented their presentations about their cities , countries and schools,traditions , religious festivals and special days .They used the WEB 2.0 tool ( CANVA ) After the host school is introduced .After lunch all participants joined the city tour and visited Museu Flaviense , Torre de Managem ,old town and Nadir Afonso Museum. On the 2nd day the host organisation presented their traditional fold dance and music . Then the international groups have been set up and the groups studied about digital rights ,human rights and digital services supported by the local authorities / governments. They used CANVA and prepared their presentations as ppt,videos,posters , photos etc. On the 3rd day we had activities in the library.Students collaborated and explained their own digital services to reach the governmental services . After the students and teachers had the sport activities prepared by P.E teachers by the river .on the 4th day we had the cultural tour and visited nearby town Boticas , Vidago and Pedras Salgadas .We had learned the Portuguese history and their historical places . In the evening we had farewell dinner with all students , teachers and host families. On the 5th day students presented their works on digital rights ,human rights and digital services supported by the local authorities / governments. Then ın their international groups the participant students prepared their reports about their experiences during the LTT. Then they prepared the and e-digi-rights magazine .After we had the certificate ceremony .
Our students work are here
Turkish students work are here
Turkey presentation here
National / religious festivals here
Isparta presentation here
Digital Citizenship works here
All Saints Days in Poland video
Lithuanian students work are here
Spanish students works are here
Polish students work are here
Poland Presentation here
Christmas in Poland here
All Saints Day in Poland here
Our local newspare has published our project
Our video is here
During the 3rd LTT ,our students studied about human rights,digital rights. As a digital citizen they explained how to reach digital services supported by the government. They have imporved their digital skills and prepared their e-magazine here
Their e-magazine is here
Turkish Culture
The students have prepared a small presentation and a video for the partners ,so they will have some information about Turkish Culutre and tradition.
You can see the prep. classes work here