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Outputs about digital citizenship and digital competences

We have prepared our e-guidebooks about digital citizenship 

Digital Citizenship 1  here 

Digital Citizenship 1 link here

Digital Citizenship 2 here

Digital Citizenship 2 link here 

Digital Competences  here

Digital Competences link here

1. LTT

In this LTT students collaborated  and made these works.

They introduced their schools,cities and countries here


The students had a teamwork and studeid about Digital 

citizenship and Digital Competences. Then they prepared this 

presentatitons here



The students had a teamwork and studied how to be safe online ,learned what to do if they have problems about losing their accounts and how to create strong passwords . their presentations here  



2. LTT

In this LTT students collaborated  and made the follwing  works.

In this LTT students studied together and presented their 

tourist guide works.

The toruistguide e-magazine was prepared 

You can find their  e-magazine here



The students have studied about enviromental issues 

They have chosen the Water pollution subject and prepared

reasons of water pollution and how to protect water 

E-magazine has been prepared and you can find it here


Pandemic process studies & works

During the pandemic period our students have been communicating and collaborating. We have had some online meetings and encouraged the students to prepare some interactive studies. They have decided  to prepare e-magazines about digital citizenship and cyberbullying.

You can find / see the digital citizenship e-magazine  here

                                       and the magazine here

During the pandemic , our students met online and decided to collaborate. Then they decided to prepare some videos and brochures about cyberbullying. Their first works is " What is cyberbullying ? "

3. LTT

During the 3rd LTT  ,our students studied about human rights,digital rights. As a digital citizen they explained  how to reach digital services supported by the government. They have imporved their digital skills and prepared their e-magazine here

Their  e-magazine is here

4. LTT

Our students set up international groups and studied  about  Digtal marketing ,  how to be safe when buying and selling on digital platform and what to do when they have problems  .Also for cultural points , they 

have studeis about Birth and dead traditions in our countries. Their studies are here

Birth and death traditions group 1 here 

Birth traditions in Poland (1)  here  

GROUP 1 digital  here   . 

group II digital  here     .

group II tradicions here    .

DIGITAL GROUP 3 here    .

Portuguese traditions births and deaths  here     .

Spain and Poland group three (1)  here    .


5. LTT

The 5th LTT has been completed as planned in  Pakruojo ,,Atzalyno" Gimnazija,Pakruojis, LITHUANIA from 13 to 17  June  2022 

All the activities have been completed according to the timetable .The main  theme in this LTT is about  Digtal Crime and Cyberbullying 

the students works are here 

Group 1 

Group 2 

Group 3 

Group 3.a

Group 4 

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