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Agrupamento de Escolas Dr. António Granjo

António Granjo Institution is a complex of joint schools, according to the Portuguese typical system of “agrupamentos”, located in the city Chaves (north of Portugal). Chaves possesses a rich natural, historical and cultural heritage and it is one of the most know spas in the country. Chaves main resource is its water “Caldas”, which arrive to the surface at a temperature over 70º. Its baths, already appreciated by the ancient roman by its healing properties of gastric system, rheumatism, blood pressure, become a destination for tourists, thanks to a modern building located in an exuberant natural park located in the banks of river Tâmega. The grouping schools provide the basic education that develops through preschool, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 3rd years (from 3 to 18 years), in which the study of the different disciplines is progressively deepened to ensure, the completion of the course compulsory, a good level of training for all students. In this institution there are 1338 students where 1190 are regular students and 148 have special needs, 279 teachers, 3 higher technicians, 49 teaching assistants and 20 administrative staff. The faculty draws up the disciplinary learning plans related to the National Curriculum and ministerial guidelines and has as its own objectives those indicated by the law of the educational system. In particular the school pursues the mission of: • to promote the personal development of the student, guaranteeing a global learning; • guarantee the
right to be different, respecting personalities, knowledge and cultures; • developing democratic practices and spirits, adopting structures and processes that encourage participation. In line with the aforementioned objectives, António Granjo Group's teachers have committed in recent years to an innovation process to bring their training practices closer to those of the best European systems, for this purpose: - reinforced the inclusive dimension of the school, focusing on the early detection of learning difficulties and special needs and intervening with individualized strategies aimed at the recovery of pre-school difficulties; - adopted cooperative and interdisciplinary teaching practices; - carried out training initiatives to improve teacher preparation; - implemented numerous projects to raise students' learning and skills: projects for the use of ITC, the beginning of robotics, increased personal expression, conservation and protection of the planet, etc. The school also participated in three European projects: the Comenius "Dance With me ", the Erasmus" Learning for a Healthy
Lifestyle " and the Erasmus+ “SAFE” projects that could therefore make an important contribution to this new project in terms of experience in transnational cooperation

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This project is funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union. However, European Commission and Turkish National Agency cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained there in” The content and management of this web-site are under the responsibility of Isparta Gazi Social Sciences High School the coordinator  of the Project “Shape Your Mind "

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