Shape Your Mind
Szkola Podstawowa nr 66
In Poland, the person responsible for the project is President Marzena Szuba and the Chief of Education and Sport Department - the representative of local authorities Sławomir Witek, at school, the headmistress Iwona Korchowiec.
The coordinator is Iwona KORCHOWIEC . “The Primary School called “Szkoła Podstawowa nr 66 w Katowicach” provides education for students at the age 6-15. There are 395 students and 48 teachers. The total stuff (teachers and administration) includes 70 members. We take part in local, national and international events like charity events, concerts, meetings. Teachers participate in various courses to get better qualifications and skills to be focused on modern techniques of teaching, especially at the time of changing of the system of education in Poland. They have already participated in Erasmus Plus projects for teachers’ mobility and education. The e-Twinning projects have been introduced to the school routine. We cooperate with parents to reach our common aim – the best education for our students. There are 24 classes in our school, each with 20-29 students. We teach them 2 foreign languages: English and Spanish. The students participate in many subjects’ competitions – from Maths, Polish, English, etc. We organize many events like Day of Kindness, Day of Miner, Day of the School Patron - Janusz Korczak, Days of Crazy Hair-style, Polish Christmas traditions, etc. Apart from usual classes we also have 6 classes with physically/mentally disabled students. We organize many events like “Day of the Disabled”. We have some experience in the area relevant to this project as we participated in Erasmus Plus project on“Technology in the kitchen: Healthy Nutrition and ICT”. The project involved using IT skills during Maths, Biology, English and Information Technology classes. The students were writing a blog, were playing Kahoot, were making quizes, tables, posters using digital skills. What is more, we involved disabled children in the project, trying to make them active in other areas than learning usual subjects but also things connected with every day activities and we made them aware (as well as their parents) that IT skills for a disabled child, who uses a wheelchair will be the key for their future career. Teachers, students and parents were organizing culinary and IT workshops. Within the frames of this project teachers took part in the course: “Social Media and Web solutions for the classroom”.