Shape Your Mind
Project teams have prepared these surveys to find out the current situation
of our schoolsand students. We prepared first 3 surveys and applied them in the first month of the project.So we can easily evaluate our success at the end of the project.
1- Initial survey for students and families here
2- Digital citizenship for studnets and families here
3- Digital competence survey for students here
We also prepared another survey to find out the popular / famous jobs and
professions among the students.According to the results we will prepare career days
4-Popular /famous jobs survey here
A Day Withour Internet
We had this activity and every partner prepared their reports.We will check these reports
and we can dissuss on them .We will prepare an operational plan too
Turkish team had thisactivity in January , and their reports is here
We had final surveys and then we evaluated them and prepared the final report
1-Final Survey about Erasmus+ and ourproject link here
2-Final - DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP (Shape Your Mind) for students and families link here
3- Final - DIGITAL COMPETENCE -Shape your Mind (for students) link here
During and after the proecjt acvtivities we had evaluation reports. We have evaluated all suırveys and reports, then we prepared the final report .According to the results ,we have managed to reach our objectives and aims.
Our final report is here